Friday was on the deck with the other weekdays, reposed in circularly arranged deck furniture. He reached over and grabbed the joint Thursday was passing. He took a hit, and settled back into his chair as smoke oozed its way into his lungs.
"I'm so fucking high." Said Wednesday to nobody in particular.
"There's a motherfjucking coyote in your yard." Said Monday, pointing down and across towards some topiaried shrubs, where there definitely was some kind of feral canine, looking back at them. Monday took the jay from Friday, had a hit and coughed a little while expressing his feelings in an unequivocal, "huh."
Tuesday spoke slowly. "I didn't even know I had a yard."
"Dogote." Said Wednesday. (It came out of his mouth like dog-o-tee)
"What?" Asked Friday.
"Dogote." Repeated Wednesday, "cross between a dog and a coyote."
"There's no such thing!" Thursday said while reaching for an iced tea, resting on a nearby wooden table.
"Sure is. Look it up on my Iphone!" Wednesday pulled his device from a pocket and handed it over, Thursday quickly scrolled to a web-page (which is here. Fjucking interactive Friday post mothafucka'!)
"Whaddayaknow...dogote! Well, I guess it's real, but how do you know that's a dogote?" He pointed out across the yard, but the dogote, or coyote, was nowhere to be seen. "Huh, it's gone."
"I just know it was." Said Wednesday leaning back in the cushions of the self-standing swinging chair he reposed in, closed his eyes, and proceeded to rock the chair with his legs.
"Wait a second," expressed Tuesday with confusion, "I don't have a yard, I have a condo with underground parking, a rooftop pool, and a heli-pad!"
Monday, who had been holding the joint and taking drags all this time looked up, and said to nobody in particular, "I'm so fucking high right now." He looked out of beet-red eyes, which were mere slits, across the rails of the deck and mentioned, "There's a coyote in your yard." He pointed to a grove of trees, where sure enough, some kind of feral canine was resting.
"Dogote." Wednesday said without opening his eyes.
"Seriously guys," began Tuesday, "and I am being totally serious, whose house is this?"
"Trickster God." Friday said.
"What?!" Replied Wednesday and Monday together.
"The Coyote...a Trickster God, in Native American mythos. Clever little fuck, got me more than a few times myself."
Thursday fucked around on the internet with the Iphone (he was still holding) and came up with this. He quickly responded to Friday.
"Sounds like a cool customer."
"Sure." Replied Friday, "lotsa fun. But let yer guard down for a second, and yer in the middle of Times Square in winter - with no clothes!"
"That's the Coyote, not a dogote, which is what is in your yard." Said Wednesday.
Tuesday was exasperated. "Seriously! I don't care if it's a coyote, the Coyote, or a dogote! It's not my yard and it's not my motherfjuckin' house!" He stood up, ready to head towards the sliding glass doors of the deck, into the house, and out onto the street.
"Be cool Tues.," Said Thursday, "It's my house." Tuesday stood for a moment weighing Thursday's words, then slowly sat down.
"I am so fjucking high right now." He said, and shook his head.
Monday began making a series of strangled sounds which the others looked over at. After a few seconds, it was clear he was laughing, but so hard the only sounds that came from his mouth were, "Chit, chit chit, chit..." This continued for a good two minutes. After a moment, he regained enough composure to wipe tears from his face. "Oh my gjod." Was all he was able to say, before cracking up again.
The others smiled like crazy at the display, and wanting to join in the fun, peppered him with "What's so funny?" until he was able to calm down enough to spit out, "Dogote!" He slapped his thigh, and finally reached out for his lemonade, had a sip, took a breath and said, "That is one fjucking funny word."
Happy Friday!
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