Thursday, October 30, 2008
Hi...sorry about the racket in here...
(to turn it off you'll have to go down a post or two to the youtube doubler. I sort of want to take down that post, but there's another part of me that love it's horrible-ness sooooo much that I can't.)
Anyhoo - lemme talk politics for a sec.
I have this little observation...
The Republican party seems to constantly throw old dudes up for Presidential elections. Reagan, Bush (the elder), Dole, and McCain. Bush the younger was their one exception in 28 years. Now Reagan was the oldest serving President (I think he was 74 when he left office, but I'm not positive - just guessing at a factoid) but he was pretty spry when he ran against Carter waaay back in the day. But against Clinton, they ran Bob Dole, who was pretty dang old, and against Obama they're running McCain who's like 72. It almost seems as tho they throw up these dinosaurs because they know they're going to loose, and figure - "why not get rid of this old asshole who's been gumming up the works" in a blaze of destruction that is a loosing Presidential run. (seriously - loosing a Prez election is just about impossible to rebound from. lookit John Kerry...whatchoo doin' nowadays Senator?) I'm not sure if the Republicans do this as a deliberate strategy, or if it's just they do elevate their senior members to the top of their ticket as a reward for their service. However, it does seem when the Democrats field a vibrant and articulate's against some ancient dude. I think it's weird.
I guess there might be something in my statement that might be age-ist...and yaknow what, good. You gotta be 35 to run for President of the USA and that's age-ist. Why not have a cap on how frikken old a person can be to run this joint. If yer 18, you can drive, vote, and are forced to register for (the/a) draft, can join the Army and die/kill for the country. (you cannot legally drink liquor - that's for 21 year-olds and over - punk-ass-sucka-kids!) But, you throw a 72 year old into some kind of "this is the world" test with an 18-year-old, would you put money on the 72-year-old passing with a better grade?
Anyhoo - lemme talk politics for a sec.
I have this little observation...
The Republican party seems to constantly throw old dudes up for Presidential elections. Reagan, Bush (the elder), Dole, and McCain. Bush the younger was their one exception in 28 years. Now Reagan was the oldest serving President (I think he was 74 when he left office, but I'm not positive - just guessing at a factoid) but he was pretty spry when he ran against Carter waaay back in the day. But against Clinton, they ran Bob Dole, who was pretty dang old, and against Obama they're running McCain who's like 72. It almost seems as tho they throw up these dinosaurs because they know they're going to loose, and figure - "why not get rid of this old asshole who's been gumming up the works" in a blaze of destruction that is a loosing Presidential run. (seriously - loosing a Prez election is just about impossible to rebound from. lookit John Kerry...whatchoo doin' nowadays Senator?) I'm not sure if the Republicans do this as a deliberate strategy, or if it's just they do elevate their senior members to the top of their ticket as a reward for their service. However, it does seem when the Democrats field a vibrant and articulate's against some ancient dude. I think it's weird.
I guess there might be something in my statement that might be age-ist...and yaknow what, good. You gotta be 35 to run for President of the USA and that's age-ist. Why not have a cap on how frikken old a person can be to run this joint. If yer 18, you can drive, vote, and are forced to register for (the/a) draft, can join the Army and die/kill for the country. (you cannot legally drink liquor - that's for 21 year-olds and over - punk-ass-sucka-kids!) But, you throw a 72 year old into some kind of "this is the world" test with an 18-year-old, would you put money on the 72-year-old passing with a better grade?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wow - that last one really blew up the template
Anyhoo - quite an awful combination no?
I thought I had something to say, but after 10 minutes of trying to write it, I'm giving up. It wasn't that great of an idea anyways. I will give you something tho.
I believe it would come in order like this:
(altho there could be some argument for a swap between monster and Vegas sized, I think it's pretty close...and after Vegas-sized, what's next, gargantuan? - that'd be my bet.)
I thought I had something to say, but after 10 minutes of trying to write it, I'm giving up. It wasn't that great of an idea anyways. I will give you something tho.
I believe it would come in order like this:
(altho there could be some argument for a swap between monster and Vegas sized, I think it's pretty close...and after Vegas-sized, what's next, gargantuan? - that'd be my bet.)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
For about the last year or so, I've contended that to make a super annoying band, you would just have to combine the bagpipes with a steel drum. Now, thru the glory of yoo tube, and the you tube doubler...we can see if my theory was correct!
This post has been killed for the sainity of readers and the author
This post has been killed for the sainity of readers and the author
Distance = Rate x Time
Submitted for your approval...a couple of vids about racing cars.
Hypnotic in-car camera shot from a rally car.
(vid is 3:17 long)
A pretty nifty animation from the Singapore Grand Prix
(vid is 2:38)
(above found here, both thru darkroastedblend)
P.S. - Someone should tell the F1 folks that their on-line media presence is purtty lame.
Hypnotic in-car camera shot from a rally car.
(vid is 3:17 long)
A pretty nifty animation from the Singapore Grand Prix
(vid is 2:38)
(above found here, both thru darkroastedblend)
P.S. - Someone should tell the F1 folks that their on-line media presence is purtty lame.
Saturday, October 25, 2008

I found this article that has a ton of super cool crap about an ancient archaeological find that dates to 11,000 years ago, which might be the world's first temple. Here's a savory quote:
Hodder is fascinated that Gobekli Tepe's pillar carvings are dominated not by edible prey like deer and cattle but by menacing creatures such as lions, spiders, snakes and scorpions. "It's a scary, fantastic world of nasty-looking beasts,"
What did I write back in June...hmmm thinkin' thinkin'...umm, can't remember exactly what I...ummm (opens new browser window, searches...ahhh yes, here it is!)
One of the great things about pre-history is that there is so very little to find out. What you see is what you get. The stuff that anyone finds in these places, regardless of sophisticated technological analysis, has been so reduced by time, that it's practically like analyzin' nature.
I find myself fascinated by the discovery of something super-ancient. But deep in my heart, I know most of the interpretations of said discoveries is total crap. I respect those who have a chunk of my (above) statement to heart when they're dealing with stuff from 11,000 B.C.
The gulf that separates us from Gobekli Tepe's builders is almost unimaginable. Indeed, though I stood among the looming megaliths eager to take in their meaning, they didn't speak to me. They were utterly foreign, placed there by people who saw the world in a way I will never comprehend. There are no sources to explain what the symbols might mean. Schmidt agrees. "We're 6,000 years before the invention of writing here," he says.
That's pretty good!
Hodder is fascinated that Gobekli Tepe's pillar carvings are dominated not by edible prey like deer and cattle but by menacing creatures such as lions, spiders, snakes and scorpions. "It's a scary, fantastic world of nasty-looking beasts,"
What did I write back in June...hmmm thinkin' thinkin'...umm, can't remember exactly what I...ummm (opens new browser window, searches...ahhh yes, here it is!)
One of the great things about pre-history is that there is so very little to find out. What you see is what you get. The stuff that anyone finds in these places, regardless of sophisticated technological analysis, has been so reduced by time, that it's practically like analyzin' nature.
I find myself fascinated by the discovery of something super-ancient. But deep in my heart, I know most of the interpretations of said discoveries is total crap. I respect those who have a chunk of my (above) statement to heart when they're dealing with stuff from 11,000 B.C.
The gulf that separates us from Gobekli Tepe's builders is almost unimaginable. Indeed, though I stood among the looming megaliths eager to take in their meaning, they didn't speak to me. They were utterly foreign, placed there by people who saw the world in a way I will never comprehend. There are no sources to explain what the symbols might mean. Schmidt agrees. "We're 6,000 years before the invention of writing here," he says.
That's pretty good!
I have the impression that humans have a really, really, bad sense of scale when it comes to time. As an example, I'll give you this further quote to wrap your brain around.
"There's more time between Gobekli Tepe and the Sumerian clay tablets [etched in 3300 B.C.] than from Sumer to today,"
I have the impression that humans have a really, really, bad sense of scale when it comes to time. As an example, I'll give you this further quote to wrap your brain around.
"There's more time between Gobekli Tepe and the Sumerian clay tablets [etched in 3300 B.C.] than from Sumer to today,"
Got that?
Okay, cool. Now lemme give you another example. Good 'ole Shakespeare...yaknow, English playwright, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth...possibly the greatest storyteller in the English language...that guy. When was the last time you saw a play of his performed? I say this because what tends to happen is the language is so foreign at first that it's nearly incomprehensible. However, the language becomes understandable in context with the situation and inflection and action, and by the end of a performance the resolution is totally comprehensible...perhaps even evoking an emotional response.
Yet, read the text of an actual Shakespeare play, and without the context of actors preforming them, and it's obvious the language has mutated and changed so much over the last 400 years that it's really hard for someone in the 21st Century to understand. Still, there is an institutional memory in the theater that perpetuates the context into comprehensibility for a current audience.
(actually, it would be interesting to compare the institutional memories of theater and government and determine which is more powerful...hmmm, potential doctoral thesis?)
Anyhoo - the idea I'm getting at is time and context. Using Shakespeare as a baseline for the change of words and meaning, 400 practically a different world. It's not just the change in language, it's a change in everything. From kings to democracy, cavalry to fighter jets, Gutenberg's bible to the internet, that's what's changed in 400 years, everything.
The distance between now and 11,000 B.C. measured in 400 year increments is 32.5. A single 400 years pushes our understanding to the limit, and there's still another 31.5 to work back through to get to this place, where somebody found some carved rocks. See, scale.
Super Fjuckin' Rad
(Vid is :35 seconds long)
According to the yootube poster giantaaron, the arms are 35 feet long, and the video was taken by a ROV from an oil platform at 7800 feet below the surface.
According to the yootube poster giantaaron, the arms are 35 feet long, and the video was taken by a ROV from an oil platform at 7800 feet below the surface.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Working on something...
It goes like this.
In the course of human affairs, eventually - and in no uncertain terms - each individual must realize that the totality of their existence can be defined down to one fact. They are simply, a super dumb organism.
In the course of human affairs, eventually - and in no uncertain terms - each individual must realize that the totality of their existence can be defined down to one fact. They are simply, a super dumb organism.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
There is a problem with being a writer and sitting at a computer
The problem is it's super-duper easy to not actually write.
(I hear your snickerings and choose to ignore them for the moment)
There's also a problem being a master web-surfer and a writer.
(I also hear those snickerings and also choose to ignore them for the moment)
There is nearly always something to be gained by reading the internets. Sometimes it's a few factoids or some amazing story that will make you the hit of the next party, sometimes it's an idea or concept that will drive your next post/essay/screenplay/novel. Most of the time it's random page flipping in a gargantuan magazine full of shit, that leaves you with practically nothing more than you began with...except a creeping feeling that the Snorg Tee's-T-shirt models(tm) might be a little too overexposed for just a small-time-internet T-shirt company's ad buy.
(who the fjuck owns them!?! Haynes? Calvin Clein!?! Fruit of the Loom?!? TELL MEEEEE!!!)
Anyhoo - Over the last two days I've been writing some stuff longhand on yellow pads, and I've noticed two things.
1) I can't click over to something that might be more interesting or better than what I'm doing.
2) My handwriting has really degenerated in the last year, and using an actual pen on wood-pulp-paper actually makes my fingers hurt.
But, I get a lot more written down that way. It's hard to stay on target when you can click over whenever you want to some fascinating post (like this one that boggled me on imaginary security.) Seriously, why not choose to let everybody else (at least somebody else) do it?
Answer - If you did that, you wouldn't be a person who made anything, ever. At the very worst, you'd just be a consumer, capable of only commenting on the pros and cons of the product you just/recently consumed. And seriously, where's the tombstone that has that carved in it?
P.S. I would like you to try and think of a landmass on the planet that beats a Fjord.
(I hear your snickerings and choose to ignore them for the moment)
There's also a problem being a master web-surfer and a writer.
(I also hear those snickerings and also choose to ignore them for the moment)
There is nearly always something to be gained by reading the internets. Sometimes it's a few factoids or some amazing story that will make you the hit of the next party, sometimes it's an idea or concept that will drive your next post/essay/screenplay/novel. Most of the time it's random page flipping in a gargantuan magazine full of shit, that leaves you with practically nothing more than you began with...except a creeping feeling that the Snorg Tee's-T-shirt models(tm) might be a little too overexposed for just a small-time-internet T-shirt company's ad buy.
(who the fjuck owns them!?! Haynes? Calvin Clein!?! Fruit of the Loom?!? TELL MEEEEE!!!)
Anyhoo - Over the last two days I've been writing some stuff longhand on yellow pads, and I've noticed two things.
1) I can't click over to something that might be more interesting or better than what I'm doing.
2) My handwriting has really degenerated in the last year, and using an actual pen on wood-pulp-paper actually makes my fingers hurt.
But, I get a lot more written down that way. It's hard to stay on target when you can click over whenever you want to some fascinating post (like this one that boggled me on imaginary security.) Seriously, why not choose to let everybody else (at least somebody else) do it?
Answer - If you did that, you wouldn't be a person who made anything, ever. At the very worst, you'd just be a consumer, capable of only commenting on the pros and cons of the product you just/recently consumed. And seriously, where's the tombstone that has that carved in it?
P.S. I would like you to try and think of a landmass on the planet that beats a Fjord.
Here...have some words!
Strangle, gouge, club, sear, flay, slice, smack, shiv, grease, rend, fry, whip, impale, decapitate, slash, slap, punch, pierce.
There ya go!
There ya go!
Monday, October 13, 2008
William Gibson
"The limitation to what you can find on Youtube is basically your own imagination. When I think of something, if I don’t automatically think of searching for it on Youtube, I will never see it. When something comes to mind, I try to train myself to google it and then look on Youtube, often with the most amazing results. I think, in the end, if we just kind of run this technology out to its logical conclusion, we will end up with something like a single retina that covers the entire inner surface of a sphere, looking at itself, being quite self-sufficient, and made completely of Youtube videos."
(From here.)
I have a youtube channel, which is sadly void of any original content. It is my dream that it will be full of creative/astounding/hilarious/insightful things that people will crave. But I've yet to get off my ass and produce one single thing of my own.
Of course the important thing is I have a youtube channel.
(From here.)
I have a youtube channel, which is sadly void of any original content. It is my dream that it will be full of creative/astounding/hilarious/insightful things that people will crave. But I've yet to get off my ass and produce one single thing of my own.
Of course the important thing is I have a youtube channel.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Here's something
Read this totally mundane article about microbes or something, and then read the comment thread. It gets pretty funny.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Vaguely distracting
Finally found something!!!!
Course, you gots to sit thru a buncha stuff to see it.
Check in with 8:24 if you ain't got the time.
Course, you gots to sit thru a buncha stuff to see it.
Check in with 8:24 if you ain't got the time.
Ya. Was lookin' thru the innernets to find something vaguely distracting that would be super innerestin' and also bury the post below so I don't look like some kind of nutty-crackpot...but not one single thing showed up to fit the bill.
Anyhoo -
A fella could sit around blaming everything on the lack of cool shit today on the internets, or he could man-up, and try his best to concoct something.
It's hot in L.A. - like stupid hot. I went out to run some errands a while ago and was like, "DANG, that shit is motherfuckin' hot!" In fact, it was the primary conversation starter to the five conversations I had today. In return I was given this bueno line...
"I wouldn't want to meet this heat in a dark alley."
Nope, you wouldn't. It's the kind of heat that would hit you over the head with a baseball bat, take your wallet, cell, and shoes, and then leave your walletless, cellless, shoeless body to sizzle on the alley blacktop until the coyotes were lured down in broad (heh-broad) daylight to feast at your own frikken Bar-B-Que!
I know! Gross!
Anywise, after I had discovered how brutally hot it was, I had to go to a job-fair where I was encouraged to "dress professionally." My Gjod, professionally, in 137 degree heat!?! Who the hell does that? I dressed appropriately, meaning by the time I got to said job-fair I hoped I hadn't sweated thru my (very light) dress pants and thru my t-shirt that was under my acceptably nice dress shirt.
The "Job Fair," as it turns out, was something resembling a horrible waste of time...and something I sure didn't need to change out of short-pants for. In fact, it was very much like this post. Then again, it's not like I ask you to make yourself presentable for my blog, nor do I ask you to leave the house in ungjodly heat!
Fjord 1,122
Job Fair 0
Anyhoo -
A fella could sit around blaming everything on the lack of cool shit today on the internets, or he could man-up, and try his best to concoct something.
It's hot in L.A. - like stupid hot. I went out to run some errands a while ago and was like, "DANG, that shit is motherfuckin' hot!" In fact, it was the primary conversation starter to the five conversations I had today. In return I was given this bueno line...
"I wouldn't want to meet this heat in a dark alley."
Nope, you wouldn't. It's the kind of heat that would hit you over the head with a baseball bat, take your wallet, cell, and shoes, and then leave your walletless, cellless, shoeless body to sizzle on the alley blacktop until the coyotes were lured down in broad (heh-broad) daylight to feast at your own frikken Bar-B-Que!
I know! Gross!
Anywise, after I had discovered how brutally hot it was, I had to go to a job-fair where I was encouraged to "dress professionally." My Gjod, professionally, in 137 degree heat!?! Who the hell does that? I dressed appropriately, meaning by the time I got to said job-fair I hoped I hadn't sweated thru my (very light) dress pants and thru my t-shirt that was under my acceptably nice dress shirt.
The "Job Fair," as it turns out, was something resembling a horrible waste of time...and something I sure didn't need to change out of short-pants for. In fact, it was very much like this post. Then again, it's not like I ask you to make yourself presentable for my blog, nor do I ask you to leave the house in ungjodly heat!
Fjord 1,122
Job Fair 0
Monday, October 06, 2008
I wuz hopin'
Bleg Here's another nice link to make you hate your world. End update!
That the last post would do the trick!
Serious...Fjord is about the most beautiful people on the internet having a good time and killing mummies, with death.
Sadly, I saw this and gots to drop it on yas.
(video is 29 min long...and not nice...but might be important.)
(Fortunately, the vids below this post will still make you feel better.)
Bleg Here's another nice link to make you hate your world. End update!
That the last post would do the trick!
Serious...Fjord is about the most beautiful people on the internet having a good time and killing mummies, with death.
Sadly, I saw this and gots to drop it on yas.
(video is 29 min long...and not nice...but might be important.)
(Fortunately, the vids below this post will still make you feel better.)
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Yeah, we've been in a small tailspin over here, (mebby with good reason)
but I think the kids from Blink might have a little upper that'll fix everything.
(oh, and I hope Travis is okey.)
Bonus Extra!
but I think the kids from Blink might have a little upper that'll fix everything.
(oh, and I hope Travis is okey.)
Bonus Extra!
Whachoo think of this?
A painting of the timeline of humanity.
Accurate? Or just another excuse to put a few sex scenes onto the innernets?
Fjord decide.
Accurate? Or just another excuse to put a few sex scenes onto the innernets?
Fjord decide.
Remember me being pissed about that bailout thingamabob?
Well, maybe it wasn't so much me, as me posting the thoughts of the King of the Swamp People. (and man, as far as I can tell, that dude is pissed!)
So's the skinny. The U.S. congress just passed a 700 billion dollar bill to...well, I dunno what it does...supposedly it'll save all of the economy. All of it. Or at least that's what I was led to believe. Awesome. Everyone is totally fine now.
Except for maybe this. Incase you don't like reading the very lefty New York Times, or just long articles about the economy, here are a couple of munny quotes.
"The American International Group said on Friday that it had already drawn down $61 billion of the $85 billion emergency bridge loan it received from the Federal Reserve two weeks ago, an announcement that startled credit ratings agencies."
Like that? Howabout this?
"He said that in addition to using the $85 billion Fed loan, A.I.G. would be able to participate in the $700 billion bailout program signed into law by President Bush on Friday. The additional help from the Treasury might ease some of its financial burdens, Mr. Liddy said."
Soooo. Howabout that weather? I was thinkin about paintin' the Casa when things clear up and I can get a couple of day-laborers to...what?
Yeah, we gave 'em $85 billion dollars, and they're just about thru spending it. In ummm...two weeks. Luckily they can grab summore from the $700 billion bailout package da congress just passed!
But um, wait, that's just one company that's already spent nearly one seventh of the amount of the bailout package on their own in two weeks. And there's this which says, um, AIG made $6 billion in profits last year. Six! Six! SIX! This was a company they said was "Too big to fail!" "It's collapse will send shockwaves through the economy." I dunno what their numbers look like this year, but I'm guessing something like this $6 billion (profit) subtract $61 billion (spending on what I dunno, platinum-lined swimming pools?) = $-55 billion. I for one believe this is a business model that will only be sustainable for three, possibly four more years.
Look, in the time it takes them to tell you:
"This dire situation calls for stringent oversight and forward-looking restructuring to assure the proper course is taken and responsible and sensible financial decisions are implemented to assure the restoration of profitability and confidence in the marketplace!"
They already spent all the money.
They already spent all the money in ways that resemble nothing like what they just said. I mean seriously, $61 billion in two weeks? What the fjuck are they buying!?
So's the skinny. The U.S. congress just passed a 700 billion dollar bill to...well, I dunno what it does...supposedly it'll save all of the economy. All of it. Or at least that's what I was led to believe. Awesome. Everyone is totally fine now.
Except for maybe this. Incase you don't like reading the very lefty New York Times, or just long articles about the economy, here are a couple of munny quotes.
"The American International Group said on Friday that it had already drawn down $61 billion of the $85 billion emergency bridge loan it received from the Federal Reserve two weeks ago, an announcement that startled credit ratings agencies."
Like that? Howabout this?
"He said that in addition to using the $85 billion Fed loan, A.I.G. would be able to participate in the $700 billion bailout program signed into law by President Bush on Friday. The additional help from the Treasury might ease some of its financial burdens, Mr. Liddy said."
Soooo. Howabout that weather? I was thinkin about paintin' the Casa when things clear up and I can get a couple of day-laborers to...what?
Yeah, we gave 'em $85 billion dollars, and they're just about thru spending it. In ummm...two weeks. Luckily they can grab summore from the $700 billion bailout package da congress just passed!
But um, wait, that's just one company that's already spent nearly one seventh of the amount of the bailout package on their own in two weeks. And there's this which says, um, AIG made $6 billion in profits last year. Six! Six! SIX! This was a company they said was "Too big to fail!" "It's collapse will send shockwaves through the economy." I dunno what their numbers look like this year, but I'm guessing something like this $6 billion (profit) subtract $61 billion (spending on what I dunno, platinum-lined swimming pools?) = $-55 billion. I for one believe this is a business model that will only be sustainable for three, possibly four more years.
Look, in the time it takes them to tell you:
"This dire situation calls for stringent oversight and forward-looking restructuring to assure the proper course is taken and responsible and sensible financial decisions are implemented to assure the restoration of profitability and confidence in the marketplace!"
They already spent all the money.
They already spent all the money in ways that resemble nothing like what they just said. I mean seriously, $61 billion in two weeks? What the fjuck are they buying!?
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Some random stuff
1) Wow - sorry about the last's really, really, really long. I guess that's from too much heat (it's like 11-billion degreeze here) and too much beer. (is there really ever too much beer?)
2) Nutrabeer
3)Here's some awesome campaign news.
b) the kerry-edwards platform. (click to make readable)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
So here's the skinny.
I saw this about 8:45 and it gave me a shock. It's the first four pages of - a user generated internet site, like digg. You might have noticed a few posts I've dropped here are from there. No biggie...I like it because it has one simple thing going for it, it loads faster on my compooter than digg. It's from the Wired guys, who I've also dropped a lot of posts from, 'cause I thought you might be interested. (There - fjuckin' disclaimer - onto the other stuff)
Anyhoo - the deal is, I'm an information junkie. (wow, big surprise, tell me more all mighty D.T.)
But this was 10-01-08, and something happened. Instead of a few submissions that were important, and a whole mess of "I made a star wars stormtrooper cake - here's how!" Throughout the day, there was less and less of the stupid shit you goto the internet for, and replaced by more and more important things. Like, say, what's happening with our (U.S.)economy, our money, and our politicians. It was almost an example of how an open-source information distribution system is supposed to work. When nothing important is going on, tell me a buncha' crazy crap that will distract me from whatever lame stuff I'm thinking about, and when some big thing is really, actually important, get me all the most relevant articles from people who know what their talking about.
I wasn't able to get screen I just copied and pasted. But this was a pretty remarkable assortment of articles. Yeah, there's chaff in there, but some of it's still really fun chaff. It's just that when you scroll past it...(which you will, just catching random headlines) it becomes something greater than it had been. Do you want to educate yourself on this crisis? Well, here's a bunch of stuff to help. If not, keep scrolling cause there's other random internet stuff in there that'll make you say "cool!" or "awwww sooo cute" or "WTF!" (BTW it'll all be different tomorry) but this all showed up today instead of light-saber-boy.
(sorry there's no links, but you can search the interesting ones out's the innernet after all. (Also sorry this is so stupidly long...))
9 Grand Loan At Less than Prime from WaMu=Credit Crisis? (
submitted 7 minutes ago by jack_alexander to
Report Shows White House Engineered U.S. Attorney Firings (
submitted 7 minutes ago by IWS to
Ok Americans, grab your ankles. Here it comes again, and this time it has extenders. (
submitted 8 minutes ago by aussie_bob to
Message to the World from the US: "Please help us!" (
submitted 8 minutes ago by cornelius99 to politics
$700,000,000,000 is Nothing Compared to the Billions a Day that Were Loaned to Wall Street Last Week Alone. This is a Real Eye Opener!!! Clearly, We Aren't Angry Enough!! (
The moment bride was arrested on her wedding day in swoop on illegal immigrants (
submitted 11 minutes ago by shahsameer282 to WTF
Sarah Palin... playing the flute for the 1984 Miss Alaska Pageant. WTF. (
submitted 11 minutes ago by dri3s to WTF
VP Debate Drinky Bingo - no one should have to watch the debates sober! (
submitted 11 minutes ago by rajbot to politics
Who else is really scared of a fixed election in McCain's favor? (self.politics)
submitted 6 hours ago by ddddbbbb to politics
Don't die, stay with me, damn it! [pic] (
submitted 7 hours ago by m4rc to pics
Click here to waste 2 hours of your day immediately! (
submitted 9 hours ago by phipsi180 to technology
Homer tries to vote for Obama (
submitted 6 hours ago by hobgobbler to funny
CBS News: New Study Details Massive Voter Roll Purges Underway in At Least 19 States (
submitted 13 hours ago by delkin to
appears 222 times in the Reddit main page source. Whoever wrote the page, I feel your pain. (self.programming)
submitted 8 hours ago by ajrandall to programming
Bailout Passes in Senate (
submitted 2 hours ago by RyVal to Economics
New York Times in 1999 - Fannie Mae easing credit requirements on loans to minorities and low-income consumers; "May run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue." (
submitted 13 hours ago by paperwasp to business
Dan Aykroyd has lost is fucking mind [VID] (
submitted 4 hours ago by briandunning to WTF
Human genome sequencing costs fall again: $300 million in 2003, $1 million 2007, $60,000 beginning of 2008, $10,000 now and $5000 by the end of 2008. (
submitted 11 hours ago by contraco to science
Unbelievable: Sec. 503 [of new Bailout bill] "Exemption from excise tax for certain wooden arrows designed for use by children." (
submitted 6 hours ago by gypsydoctor to business
youtube deleted the rick roll video :( (
submitted 23 hours ago by chaosmachine to WTF
"Things were getting worse and I couldn't take it anymore. It was then, in my biology class, that I became a legend." (
submitted 13 hours ago by booc0mtaco to funny
Palin Finally REALLY blows an interview. 2:55 WTF MIND BLOWING (
submitted 4 hours ago by tch to politics
Ron Paul: Buying bad debt is the wrong solution (
submitted 10 hours ago by alecb to Economics
CNBC: "The Bill is very clear.... hundreds of billions of dollars are going bail out foreign investors...the bill has been carefully written to make sure that can happen". [60s VIDEO] (
submitted 11 hours ago by starbork to business
Sarah Palin Explains Why Women Should Be Forced To Bear Their Rapists' Babies [Couric Interview Video] (
submitted 14 hours ago by tampico_rush to politics
The truth about airbrushing. Not cool. Click on "portfolio" and be amazed. (
submitted 9 hours ago by cargirl to WTF
The world's weirdest, craziest, and just plain strange wedding customs (
submitted 9 hours ago by socialexpert to WTF
iPhone Developer Program drops onerous NDA: Opens to book publishers, discussion forums, mailing lists, etc. (
submitted 12 hours ago by jimothy to programming
MADD boots paraplegic woman from Idaho state fair booth designed to scare people out of driving drunk, because her looks were "offensive." (
submitted 4 hours ago by Saydrah to WTF
The $700 billion bailout bill has passed, 74-25 (
submitted 2 hours ago by cLFlaVA to
If you can name one news source you read, vote up. (self.politics)
submitted 2 hours ago by bumped to politics
Intelligent design: "childish ignorance" (
submitted 13 hours ago by betajames to science
The Atlas of the Real World (
submitted 19 hours ago by cactushair to science
Clinton Praises Obama In Florida After Being Both Criticized And Mocked In Recent Days For His Tepid Enthusiasm For Obama (
submitted 10 minutes ago by jerryjamesstone to science
This country is doomed. It really is. These are the people who vote for our leaders, remember that. (
submitted 12 minutes ago by contrarian to
Price of oil drops below $98 as economy forces Americans to drive less (
submitted 19 minutes ago by boo_radley to Economics
Steve Ballmer Tops List Of 25 Most Influential People On The Web (
submitted 13 minutes ago by robinbal to
Obama’s Fishy $200 Million FEC may seek a formal investigation into the collection by the Obama for President campaign of more than $200 million in potentially illegal political donations (
submitted 13 minutes ago by MindVirus to politics
Wall Street crisis hits Main Street: job losses have jumped, auto sales are plunging, small businesses can't get credit and we're facing the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. (
submitted 17 minutes ago by shedrin to business
McCain's Missed Opportunities (
submitted 16 minutes ago by boo_radley to politics
Geert Wilders (of 'Fitna' fame) speaks to the Hudson Institute 2008-09-25 on Europe's Muslim threat (
submitted 15 minutes ago by spam_rocket to
Shouldn't the people who have benefited the most from Wall Street excess, the wealthy, pay for the bailout! The Sanders Amendment would make that happen! (
submitted 4 hours ago by philasurfer to business
I just wanted to point out to young/new voters that you cannot wear your Obama shirt to the polling place, you will be turned away. Tell your friends. (
submitted 3 hours ago by Eschuk to politics
Into Centaurs? [PIC] (
submitted 11 hours ago by jda06 to pics
Tree power might sound like a hippie battle cry, but scientists have literally tapped into the tiny electrical current carried in trees and created a company (
submitted 12 hours ago by noname99 to science
FUCK!!! (self.Economics)
submitted 1 hour ago by TaxExempt to Economics
From Many Years Ago.. Say what you want about Eminem... This video speaks volumes. (
submitted 6 hours ago by drpants to
Self:Economics - Isn't the bailout bill just one giant subprime loan? (self.Economics)
submitted 10 hours ago by econ2econ to Economics
I cut out a couple pages in the interest of not boring you to death.
So yeah...If you made it down all this way, there's a couple of good videos about cows in the next post. However, I would say, if you processed even 60% of the headlines from what you scrolled past...we've reached an interesting information tipping point. No?
I saw this about 8:45 and it gave me a shock. It's the first four pages of - a user generated internet site, like digg. You might have noticed a few posts I've dropped here are from there. No biggie...I like it because it has one simple thing going for it, it loads faster on my compooter than digg. It's from the Wired guys, who I've also dropped a lot of posts from, 'cause I thought you might be interested. (There - fjuckin' disclaimer - onto the other stuff)
Anyhoo - the deal is, I'm an information junkie. (wow, big surprise, tell me more all mighty D.T.)
But this was 10-01-08, and something happened. Instead of a few submissions that were important, and a whole mess of "I made a star wars stormtrooper cake - here's how!" Throughout the day, there was less and less of the stupid shit you goto the internet for, and replaced by more and more important things. Like, say, what's happening with our (U.S.)economy, our money, and our politicians. It was almost an example of how an open-source information distribution system is supposed to work. When nothing important is going on, tell me a buncha' crazy crap that will distract me from whatever lame stuff I'm thinking about, and when some big thing is really, actually important, get me all the most relevant articles from people who know what their talking about.
I wasn't able to get screen I just copied and pasted. But this was a pretty remarkable assortment of articles. Yeah, there's chaff in there, but some of it's still really fun chaff. It's just that when you scroll past it...(which you will, just catching random headlines) it becomes something greater than it had been. Do you want to educate yourself on this crisis? Well, here's a bunch of stuff to help. If not, keep scrolling cause there's other random internet stuff in there that'll make you say "cool!" or "awwww sooo cute" or "WTF!" (BTW it'll all be different tomorry) but this all showed up today instead of light-saber-boy.
(sorry there's no links, but you can search the interesting ones out's the innernet after all. (Also sorry this is so stupidly long...))
9 Grand Loan At Less than Prime from WaMu=Credit Crisis? (
submitted 7 minutes ago by jack_alexander to
Report Shows White House Engineered U.S. Attorney Firings (
submitted 7 minutes ago by IWS to
Ok Americans, grab your ankles. Here it comes again, and this time it has extenders. (
submitted 8 minutes ago by aussie_bob to
Message to the World from the US: "Please help us!" (
submitted 8 minutes ago by cornelius99 to politics
$700,000,000,000 is Nothing Compared to the Billions a Day that Were Loaned to Wall Street Last Week Alone. This is a Real Eye Opener!!! Clearly, We Aren't Angry Enough!! (
The moment bride was arrested on her wedding day in swoop on illegal immigrants (
submitted 11 minutes ago by shahsameer282 to WTF
Sarah Palin... playing the flute for the 1984 Miss Alaska Pageant. WTF. (
submitted 11 minutes ago by dri3s to WTF
VP Debate Drinky Bingo - no one should have to watch the debates sober! (
submitted 11 minutes ago by rajbot to politics
Who else is really scared of a fixed election in McCain's favor? (self.politics)
submitted 6 hours ago by ddddbbbb to politics
Don't die, stay with me, damn it! [pic] (
submitted 7 hours ago by m4rc to pics
Click here to waste 2 hours of your day immediately! (
submitted 9 hours ago by phipsi180 to technology
Homer tries to vote for Obama (
submitted 6 hours ago by hobgobbler to funny
CBS News: New Study Details Massive Voter Roll Purges Underway in At Least 19 States (
submitted 13 hours ago by delkin to
appears 222 times in the Reddit main page source. Whoever wrote the page, I feel your pain. (self.programming)
submitted 8 hours ago by ajrandall to programming
Bailout Passes in Senate (
submitted 2 hours ago by RyVal to Economics
New York Times in 1999 - Fannie Mae easing credit requirements on loans to minorities and low-income consumers; "May run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue." (
submitted 13 hours ago by paperwasp to business
Dan Aykroyd has lost is fucking mind [VID] (
submitted 4 hours ago by briandunning to WTF
Human genome sequencing costs fall again: $300 million in 2003, $1 million 2007, $60,000 beginning of 2008, $10,000 now and $5000 by the end of 2008. (
submitted 11 hours ago by contraco to science
Unbelievable: Sec. 503 [of new Bailout bill] "Exemption from excise tax for certain wooden arrows designed for use by children." (
submitted 6 hours ago by gypsydoctor to business
youtube deleted the rick roll video :( (
submitted 23 hours ago by chaosmachine to WTF
"Things were getting worse and I couldn't take it anymore. It was then, in my biology class, that I became a legend." (
submitted 13 hours ago by booc0mtaco to funny
Palin Finally REALLY blows an interview. 2:55 WTF MIND BLOWING (
submitted 4 hours ago by tch to politics
Ron Paul: Buying bad debt is the wrong solution (
submitted 10 hours ago by alecb to Economics
CNBC: "The Bill is very clear.... hundreds of billions of dollars are going bail out foreign investors...the bill has been carefully written to make sure that can happen". [60s VIDEO] (
submitted 11 hours ago by starbork to business
Sarah Palin Explains Why Women Should Be Forced To Bear Their Rapists' Babies [Couric Interview Video] (
submitted 14 hours ago by tampico_rush to politics
The truth about airbrushing. Not cool. Click on "portfolio" and be amazed. (
submitted 9 hours ago by cargirl to WTF
The world's weirdest, craziest, and just plain strange wedding customs (
submitted 9 hours ago by socialexpert to WTF
iPhone Developer Program drops onerous NDA: Opens to book publishers, discussion forums, mailing lists, etc. (
submitted 12 hours ago by jimothy to programming
MADD boots paraplegic woman from Idaho state fair booth designed to scare people out of driving drunk, because her looks were "offensive." (
submitted 4 hours ago by Saydrah to WTF
The $700 billion bailout bill has passed, 74-25 (
submitted 2 hours ago by cLFlaVA to
If you can name one news source you read, vote up. (self.politics)
submitted 2 hours ago by bumped to politics
Intelligent design: "childish ignorance" (
submitted 13 hours ago by betajames to science
The Atlas of the Real World (
submitted 19 hours ago by cactushair to science
Clinton Praises Obama In Florida After Being Both Criticized And Mocked In Recent Days For His Tepid Enthusiasm For Obama (
submitted 10 minutes ago by jerryjamesstone to science
This country is doomed. It really is. These are the people who vote for our leaders, remember that. (
submitted 12 minutes ago by contrarian to
Price of oil drops below $98 as economy forces Americans to drive less (
submitted 19 minutes ago by boo_radley to Economics
Steve Ballmer Tops List Of 25 Most Influential People On The Web (
submitted 13 minutes ago by robinbal to
Obama’s Fishy $200 Million FEC may seek a formal investigation into the collection by the Obama for President campaign of more than $200 million in potentially illegal political donations (
submitted 13 minutes ago by MindVirus to politics
Wall Street crisis hits Main Street: job losses have jumped, auto sales are plunging, small businesses can't get credit and we're facing the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. (
submitted 17 minutes ago by shedrin to business
McCain's Missed Opportunities (
submitted 16 minutes ago by boo_radley to politics
Geert Wilders (of 'Fitna' fame) speaks to the Hudson Institute 2008-09-25 on Europe's Muslim threat (
submitted 15 minutes ago by spam_rocket to
Shouldn't the people who have benefited the most from Wall Street excess, the wealthy, pay for the bailout! The Sanders Amendment would make that happen! (
submitted 4 hours ago by philasurfer to business
I just wanted to point out to young/new voters that you cannot wear your Obama shirt to the polling place, you will be turned away. Tell your friends. (
submitted 3 hours ago by Eschuk to politics
Into Centaurs? [PIC] (
submitted 11 hours ago by jda06 to pics
Tree power might sound like a hippie battle cry, but scientists have literally tapped into the tiny electrical current carried in trees and created a company (
submitted 12 hours ago by noname99 to science
FUCK!!! (self.Economics)
submitted 1 hour ago by TaxExempt to Economics
From Many Years Ago.. Say what you want about Eminem... This video speaks volumes. (
submitted 6 hours ago by drpants to
Self:Economics - Isn't the bailout bill just one giant subprime loan? (self.Economics)
submitted 10 hours ago by econ2econ to Economics
I cut out a couple pages in the interest of not boring you to death.
So yeah...If you made it down all this way, there's a couple of good videos about cows in the next post. However, I would say, if you processed even 60% of the headlines from what you scrolled past...we've reached an interesting information tipping point. No?
Exhibits "S" & "T"
You'll have to trust me on this one...the intro, and V.O. are horrible. The video, not so bad.'s another, with less crap.'s another, with less crap.
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