Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hi...sorry about the racket in here...

(to turn it off you'll have to go down a post or two to the youtube doubler. I sort of want to take down that post, but there's another part of me that love it's horrible-ness sooooo much that I can't.)

Anyhoo - lemme talk politics for a sec.

I have this little observation...

The Republican party seems to constantly throw old dudes up for Presidential elections. Reagan, Bush (the elder), Dole, and McCain. Bush the younger was their one exception in 28 years. Now Reagan was the oldest serving President (I think he was 74 when he left office, but I'm not positive - just guessing at a factoid) but he was pretty spry when he ran against Carter waaay back in the day. But against Clinton, they ran Bob Dole, who was pretty dang old, and against Obama they're running McCain who's like 72. It almost seems as tho they throw up these dinosaurs because they know they're going to loose, and figure - "why not get rid of this old asshole who's been gumming up the works" in a blaze of destruction that is a loosing Presidential run. (seriously - loosing a Prez election is just about impossible to rebound from. lookit John Kerry...whatchoo doin' nowadays Senator?) I'm not sure if the Republicans do this as a deliberate strategy, or if it's just they do elevate their senior members to the top of their ticket as a reward for their service. However, it does seem when the Democrats field a vibrant and articulate's against some ancient dude. I think it's weird.

I guess there might be something in my statement that might be age-ist...and yaknow what, good. You gotta be 35 to run for President of the USA and that's age-ist. Why not have a cap on how frikken old a person can be to run this joint. If yer 18, you can drive, vote, and are forced to register for (the/a) draft, can join the Army and die/kill for the country. (you cannot legally drink liquor - that's for 21 year-olds and over - punk-ass-sucka-kids!) But, you throw a 72 year old into some kind of "this is the world" test with an 18-year-old, would you put money on the 72-year-old passing with a better grade?

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