Thursday, October 16, 2008

There is a problem with being a writer and sitting at a computer

The problem is it's super-duper easy to not actually write.

(I hear your snickerings and choose to ignore them for the moment)

There's also a problem being a master web-surfer and a writer.
(I also hear those snickerings and also choose to ignore them for the moment)

There is nearly always something to be gained by reading the internets. Sometimes it's a few factoids or some amazing story that will make you the hit of the next party, sometimes it's an idea or concept that will drive your next post/essay/screenplay/novel. Most of the time it's random page flipping in a gargantuan magazine full of shit, that leaves you with practically nothing more than you began with...except a creeping feeling that the Snorg Tee's-T-shirt models(tm) might be a little too overexposed for just a small-time-internet T-shirt company's ad buy.

(who the fjuck owns them!?! Haynes? Calvin Clein!?! Fruit of the Loom?!? TELL MEEEEE!!!)

Anyhoo - Over the last two days I've been writing some stuff longhand on yellow pads, and I've noticed two things.

1) I can't click over to something that might be more interesting or better than what I'm doing.

2) My handwriting has really degenerated in the last year, and using an actual pen on wood-pulp-paper actually makes my fingers hurt.

But, I get a lot more written down that way. It's hard to stay on target when you can click over whenever you want to some fascinating post (like this one that boggled me on imaginary security.) Seriously, why not choose to let everybody else (at least somebody else) do it?

Answer - If you did that, you wouldn't be a person who made anything, ever. At the very worst, you'd just be a consumer, capable of only commenting on the pros and cons of the product you just/recently consumed. And seriously, where's the tombstone that has that carved in it?

P.S. I would like you to try and think of a landmass on the planet that beats a Fjord.


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D.T. said...

Hey anonymous...thanks for reading my words and offering your opinion. In return I'd like to offer a totally heartfelt fuck you.

rhinoceros said...

haha, i wonder who spams blogger comments, who does that. WHO?

Anyhow, I may have a solution to your dilemma. You can get one of those tablet PC's, where one can use a stylus to 'write' on the scree. And you can do this standing up as well. ;)

No seriously, there is such a learning curve on those, but all all the schools use them. Gets the kids writing as well as becoming tech smart.

One def has to switch off the net at times. Video's, posts pictures news, from everywhere.