Friday, May 09, 2008

A Unique Response

To finding yourself on the wrong end of government authorities, proven innocent, yet still on their watchlist because it's impossible to get off.

Here's a brief clip from the Colbert Report, which, while funny, actually gives the deets.

There's something just too strange about this...yet, there's something super great about it too. Like, along the lines of "Fjuck you's where I've been THE WHOLE TIME"

You can gaze in wonder where Hasan Elahi is, and was, and at the powers of self surveillance at his site
right here. It does sort of fulfill yer standard blogger's wet dream of making their whole live viewable for judgement from their commenters...but the sad thing is, it's kinda' really fjucking serious. I'd prefer to have this kind of information available for me to look at, in regards to my elected representatives. After all, they're supposed to be working for me.

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