Tuesday, May 13, 2008

At the risk of angering the Volcano Gods again...

I do have to let you know...

Yesterday, I caught something out of the corner of my eye, outside my office window directy outside the Casa Aloha. Something unusual, and big was hanging in the sky. I looked out, and had to take a Gjoddang picture, because this shit is starting to get unbelieveable. Seriously. (clicking will embiggify to a horrifying extent!)


rhinoceros said...

A blimp right?

Re roos, I think they can caw people and kick people but they are quite docile.

eg. Driving down a ountry road at night there was 15-20 of them lounging about. So they see the car, tey don't even move, you can virtually run over their tales before they shift, like cows I guess.

Now, the mummy roos are different.

D.T. said...

Yeah...I gots some mad blimp mojo goin' on right now, and it's gettin' really odd. I seriously dunno what's going on with that!

In regards to your last note...
Mummy Roo's sound absolutely terrifying! Was it the Aboriginal Natives of your fair land who started practicing this horrible (and dark) art, or was it the Roo's themselves that figured out how to preserve themselves in the afterlife? Cause, while I might find the first sort-of disturbing, I'd find the second to be absolutely horrifying!!!

rhinoceros said...

Yeah, the aborginals did that but this is the only link i could find to it. You may find that interesting.

Link :D

rhinoceros said...

OK, so FYI, if you wanna link something type this and in the spot where I put *** you put your web address and link name can be wwhat you want.

Link Name