Wednesday, November 09, 2005

(A Letter) A quick and not-too-well-thought-out-thought-on...

Fjord: A Webzine.

Use-ta' kinda' like the whole "blog" thing. But a while back, (umm, last week or something) it turned out that 20-million people have a "blog." Ugg, now I'm sick of it. Someone tells me they're a "blogger," I'd prefer to rip their throats out with my teeth.

I started reading folks in the world-o-blogs cause I thought it was nice there was some people talking about politics that didn't have a Mass-Audience-Press vibe. I could get some (ahem) ideas about, what the hell was going on in a political/news spectrum - that had some sort of shape that resembled mine. Then I found out there were like a million others! But they were different. And they talked about their lives like...well like, dating and working, and doing whatever the hell they did during the day. And I also thought that was kinda' cool, cause, somewhere deep down, I could relate.

But then I got kinda' tired of following the exploits of the bloggers, cause, it's just, (to quote the Red-Rocker...Sammy Hagar) mental masturbation - or perhaps a mental circle-jerk. Either way - for me, the plan would be to have something that didn't quite deal with either of those. Somewhere the blog-weary would have a place that had nothing to do politically with the outside world, (where you might find an amusing/interesting story-filtered from the Webmonster you might not have caught) and yet some vaguely amusing stories (with the names changed to protect the innocent) touching on daily life, that might give a chuckle or guffaw, and be worth reading. (and, I should add, some completely made-up-crap that could be entertaining.)

Anyways, a couple'a days ago, I got caught up in the "blogger-madness" and put out a "I'm hungry for praise," post, which said..."It's been 113 days since anyone but me wrote anything on this-here webzine we call Fjord.

I hope it hasn't let you down."

This was the only response.

"It has. Not that you can't hold your own. You're more than capable of filling fjord with quality entries. But as usual, q-dog brings the party." (edited for time and content - thanks Mr.H)

Cutting thru the crap...
Totally right.
"The Q-Dog brings the party."

Fuck, even I show up here looking for something he wrote, with a small letdown that it ain't there. But, I'd be a real blogger, to say something like, "Well, if that's all I'm gonna get, then fuck alls-ya-alls, we're done here!"

Cause as long as yer coming back to see if the Q-D wrote something, and read a vaguely/mildly/greatly amusing deal-I-OH at Fjord: The Webzine...and it took you away from people's problems, and the (small/medium/large) political or personal quandaries that everyone's gotta' face...then we've done our job.
(check below...I've got some kickass links!)

-West Coast Branch-


D.T. said...


D.T. said...

Aaawww! That's so sweet W.M.!

I think the whole Fjordian community can agree that the place is just a little less colorful without the "Q's" take on things.

But nevertheless, you've warmed my tiny cold black heart.