Wednesday, March 22, 2006

So I'm talking

to the receptionist at the Dentists office and I bring up dental hypochondriacs, which is a bizarre affliction I just learned about. She says, "It's like they come in, and they know there's something there...and we look, and poke around and take x-rays, and nope, there's nothing there. But they can feel it. They know there's something - it has to be something." But anyways, I go back, and they put me in the chair, and I notice something a little - off - about my dentist. Something in the eyes, I think. So as she's about to "numb me up" I leap up out of the chair, whip the sword from my cane, and brandish it towards her.

"Yer not going to inject me with your cobra venom!" I yelled.

She looked shocked. Not - "I'm your dentist about to inject you with novacain and you brandish a sword at me," shocked...more of a "I was about to inject you with cobra venom under the guise of novacain, and you found out," kind of shocked.

It's not mentioned enough here on these pages, that correspondents at Fjord have a large array of enemies. One must keep up an almost constant guard, or face a horrifying array of vile tortures and gruesome deaths.

Needless to say, I underwent the procedure with a different dentist, in a different office across town, with no anesthetic. Apart from being a little more safe, it also felt like a more authentic experience.

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