Tuesday, August 09, 2005


There was some seriously ridiculously stinky/moldy crap in my fridge. Even though I threw it out into the cold cruel...(well - Los Angeles in August, THE HOT CRUEL) world...I hope those spores and fungi and whatnots look back with fondness over the time we spent together, and thrive in whatever trashheap they find themselves. Then I hope they grow strong, and evolve into a massive entity and take over said trashheap. Then I hope they mutate from some strange chemical leaching into the soil from Cal-Tech or an old Nuclear test-facility. And then I hope they grow, using old cars, and cable and bungie-cords, and discarded washing-machines, microwaves, and old large furniture as limbs, into a functioning sentient being seventy feet tall and reeking a hideous stench. Then I hope this giant animated trash pile will walk the land smiting my enemies!

I suppose there's no telling what any of our offspring are really going to become, but sometimes you just have to kick them into the street and hope for the best.

14 years ago, Tim Berners-Lee created the first website. Here's
a nice interview on what he thinks is going on.


Anonymous said...

And I hope you shall christen it Smitey the Smiting Trash Heap.

D.T. said...

I was actually thinking Stenchy the Smiting Trash heap - but yours is really good too!