Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2,000 Posts on this dinky landmass!

(9 years too late - but now we're Fjord2000!)

I been thinking about musicians and athletes - successful ones (of course) and wondering, why do they bother? Like, make enough money and be smart with it - why strive to be better? If you got 15 million bucks in the bank, and the bills are all paid, why not spend the rest of you life in the jacuzzi?

I guess there's something to be said about a person with financial means being more productive than people with less. Some sort of responsibility that leads them to keep going, and pressing the edge of the envelope. Maybe it's related to something else, like the desire to be the best, and has nothing to do with money at all.

Maybe it's got nothing to do with any of those reasons. I'm broke as fjuck, unfamous as hell, and still troglodyte'in around in the backwaters of blogger world. And yet, what would I be doing if I was rich as fjuck, famous as hell, and getting 370,000 hits a day...

Probly doing what I do every day...wondering what I should post about, wondering if it was entertaining enough. Altho I'd be happy to switch places with my opposite, in order to find out.



rhinoceros said...

I was talking about something like this to somebody - why is it that, in this particularly poor suburb that I live in, nobody goes out running or exercising. Its not really violent btw.

I think its just consequential; people who are poor are more likely to be lazy.

People that kinda make it in music are likely to be driven, so not likely to just sit around. Do more. Do better.

Here's me giving an opinion - having a beer.

D.T. said...

I have a sneaky feeling you're right...even tho I don't have any evidence to back it up.

There are people who have become really successful coming out of poor areas...like bats outta hell -but not tons.

I like beer.