Monday, April 13, 2009

Ways to Begin

Here are some helpful ideas for starting your writing project...any of these will work just fine as your opening!

(using he/she/it)
She was
He was
It was

(using the ever popular "there")
There was
There were
There is

(using they/we)
They were
We were

(using time*)
Once upon a time
*or any specific date in the past, usually prefaced with On, such as, "On January 13, 1078"

(Using my/her/his/their)
My dog/car/spaceship/horse/computer/apartment/(any person,place, or thing, really)
Her dog/car/spaceship/horse/computer/apartment/(any person,place, or thing, really)
His dog/car/spaceship/horse/computer/apartment/(any person,place, or thing, really)
Their dog/car/spaceship/horse/computer/apartment/(any person,place, or thing, really)

(using onomatopoeia?*)

*Possible, but the author agrees with conventional wisdom that writers who use this opening are hacks.

Well there ya go! A few easy ways to get started...and thanks to this little post, literary (or internet) fame is right around the corner!


rhinoceros said...

You are Dan Brown?

No not an insult.

Good post.

D.T. said...

hah! I had to google who that wuz...Da Vinchi Code...niiiice.