Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So As I Was Killing Space Aliens

On one of the popular video games, I got to thinking about aliens. Now, just a day or so ago there was a news item that said our universe could have more than a billion earth-like planets. Then I figured, heck, lets say there is another race of bugs/rodents/deer that evolved into something that could travel the stars. Then what? Then comes the killing, that's what.

When you think about the old "We Come In Peace" line, it really never meant what the words say. And sooner or later some human would want something that the other race had (or vice versa) and then the shooting would start. I'm actually more interested in the economics of an inter-stellar war - that's curious. I think the space station has probably chewed up 1/2 to a trillion dollars, and it's just hangin' out in orbit. A fully functioning faster-than-light space battlecruiser? Is that like ten trillion? Well anyhoo - I'm just speculatin' here, but I really hope we don't find any aliens out there. It'd cost a fortune.


rhinoceros said...

Just print ye old green backs - it'll be all good.

thought fjordland had closed down - had a bug problem it seems. Bloddy russians

D.T. said...

Yeah - the infection went right thru my compooter, thru the keyboard and into my brain. Malaise and stupidity are the symptoms...there might be more long-term effects I don't know about.