The Herald walks amidst the gathered mob who have been milling about for the last week DEMANDING that something be done about the financial crisis. The two trumpeters blow fourth regal notes on trumpets that look and sound similar to something you would expect at the beginning of a horse-race.
The Herald unfulrls a huge scroll, and proceeds to read.
"The King of the Swamp People (The Herald makes a sweeping gesture at the crowd, implying all are swamp people) declares a question to his subjects.
Why are you angry!? Why do you approach his palace (the Superdome) demanding justice? Why do you look for restitution from his merciful yet terrible and bloodthirsty wrath? When the one decree he made is STILL UNDONE! Did you not understand when he made his ONE decree, that it had farther-reaching results than merely decorating the walls of his palace with another head on a pike? No, the example of Kenneth Lay's corpse was to serve as a warning of the consequences of unchecked greed to ALL OTHER bastards who worship at the alter of their God MOO-LAAAH, who put their greed before anything else.
Instead, you did NOTHING! For more than TWO YEARS, the mighty KING OF ALL SWAMP PEOPLE has waited. Now, the consequence of your inaction is to now beg the King for help, for relief! If you had acted two years ago, THIS CRISIS OF FINANCIAL COLLAPSE would never have happened! If you expect the King to act in order to help you, the King expects you to finally, AT LONG LAST, COMPLETE THE VERY SIMPLE TASK OF HIS ONE DECREE!"
The Herald rolls up his scroll, gives a contemptuous sneer at the Swamp People, and walks away. The trumpeters, looking at the angry mob who just received this news, scurry after with much less dignity.
(**update** after reading the links it seems as tho the King has gotten better trumpeters. The author suggests merely that the King has not been idle)
(btw...here's the follow up post for the original decree)
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