Friday, February 22, 2008

If You Lived Here You'd Be Home By Now

Friday is Friday.
Friday is Monday, Friday is Tuesday, Friday is Wednesday, and Friday is Thursday.
Yea friends, for nearly the next four months, every day for your pal Tsunami is Friday. His position at the Casa Aloha H.Q. has been outsourced and the end is nigh! YEA, THE END IS NIGH!

As per the dream, the Casa Aloha H.Q. is moving to...THE CASA ALOHA! I can wake up and my commute is rolling out of bed onto my floor! I can leave work and be at my home in milliseconds. I can wash my dishes and clothes and chalk it up to "a business expense!" My'll be beautiful!

Anyhoo, I hope to leave you with a good impression in a zen-like state.
A state which would be something like this.

Wherever you are, and whatever you do, and whenever you do it...just do it like it was the last thing you had to do before closing time on Friday rolls in.

Because we all infuse our actions with positivity on Friday...I think it comes knowing it'll probably be the last time during the week we'll haveta' do the dumb fjucking thing. Well, there's no telling when the last time you're going to have to do the dumb fjucking thing. Ever. Hell, your first time could be the last time. So do your shit like that, and maybe you too, one day, (which might be tomorrow...err, Monday) might be in the spot that I'm in...rolling in eternal Fridays until the cows come home.

Happy Friday.


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