Friday, January 18, 2008

Shoot this average up a little bit!

Seems like someone (about what, two months later) took this jellyfish threat seriously, and started doing something. Of course doing something is putting some blokes on ferries and counting them...

Here's the munny quote...
"The trouble is that we know so little about these jellyfish," said Dr Houghton.
"Until recently, they were viewed as bags of water that had little or no impact on our ecosystem. Now we need to learn, very quickly, about their behaviour and about their breeding patterns in our waters. We need to get some basic data about numbers, and the easiest and quickest way to do that is simply to send researchers out on the ferries.
For the past few weeks, they have been standing on deck looking at the sea and counting jellyfish. That is how we are getting a baseline figure for their numbers."

Okay, lemme put this in perspective for yas - THERE IS A TEN SQUARE MILE SWARM OF JELLYFISH moving around like a super-organism, and you've just paid to have some guys on a boat COUNT THEM!?!? Holy fjuck! Serious?! That's the best you can do?

Don't think this is just over in the North Sea/North Atlantic either.
The Mediterranean
More from The Japanese Sea
Philippine Sea
Chile - BBC Video Clip

And that's just a quick search! I tells ya what, we might be RIGHT NOW engaged in a titanic oceanic battle against the invertebrates! AND THE BEST WE'VE GOT IS SOME BRIT'S COUNTING THEM!!? (nothing against the Brit's counting abilities...(at least they're doing...something)) I'm just sayin', maybe we should be doing a little something more. Are jellyfish the mummy of 2008?

Well, Fjord will keep you apprised of the sitch-u-ation, and you can be the judge.

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