A while ago I had a friend who was the most far-out dude you could ever hope to know, and not expect an axe to the head while you were resting on the couch. A year or so later, he ended up becoming friends with my first collage roommate, who was the most straight-laced dude you ever met. (A friend of mine at the time remarked, "Man, he even hangs up his T-shirts!")
So I asked my friend one day, "Why do you like Steve?" (names have been changed to protect the innocent)
And he said, "Because he's the only truly normal person I know. I have to have some sort of baseline."
Earlier today, I had a conversation which brought up the concept of living a normal life, and on both sides there were some statements about how we had failed to transcend (at the moment) such a fate. But, I do feel (after a certain amount of wondering, and pondering, which brought up my previous remembrance) there is a baseline that is normal, and if you're reading this, you're nowhere near that baseline. If things in your world appear to have reached a plateau where you're tired of your life being normal, please remember, you're normal life would blow the fuck out of some "normal humanid's" perception of normal so far out of the water, that it would easily be called amazing.
Don't kid yerself. It would.
Now: some photos of a nice lookin' woman.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Drunk Elephants...
When I first saw this story, it was "six elephants electrocuted." Interesting, I thought, but no angle for me to cover, so I just let it be. Today, I find via this, THEY WERE IN FACT, DRUNK!
since it's yahoo, I'll post the juicy bits incase the story dissapears...
Shillong, Oct 23 (IANS) Six Asiatic wild elephants, including three calves, have died of electrocution after the herd, drunk on country liquor, dashed against a high-tension electric pole and came in contact with a live wire in a Meghalaya village...
During the past few months, herds of wild elephants have been wreaking havoc in several parts of Meghalaya and adjoining state of Assam, especially in villages where tribal people brew rice beer in large quantities,' noted elephant expert Kushal Konwar Sharma said...
'There have been several incidents of elephants drinking country liquor and then going berserk, at times plundering granaries and tearing apart huts, besides inflicting fatal attacks on human beings,' he added...
since it's yahoo, I'll post the juicy bits incase the story dissapears...
Shillong, Oct 23 (IANS) Six Asiatic wild elephants, including three calves, have died of electrocution after the herd, drunk on country liquor, dashed against a high-tension electric pole and came in contact with a live wire in a Meghalaya village...
During the past few months, herds of wild elephants have been wreaking havoc in several parts of Meghalaya and adjoining state of Assam, especially in villages where tribal people brew rice beer in large quantities,' noted elephant expert Kushal Konwar Sharma said...
'There have been several incidents of elephants drinking country liquor and then going berserk, at times plundering granaries and tearing apart huts, besides inflicting fatal attacks on human beings,' he added...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Beware of Surprise!
Apparently this was spoken by George Washington during the Revolutionary War to one of his generals. Good line.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
So there's more yummy talk of
Fighting 'em there, so we don't have to fight them here.
I pass on the link to a reasonably non-Fjord related topic because of this line.
I used to watch Batman when I was a kid, and these piker bad guys would all be threatening to destroy Gotham. A mere city. And we in the audience were supposed to understand that this was bad because that means a lot of people dying. Now, our nation is ruled by people who like to threaten to destroy entire countries, just for kicks. Whole countries.
No shit.
I think that dialed it in quite nicely.
I pass on the link to a reasonably non-Fjord related topic because of this line.
I used to watch Batman when I was a kid, and these piker bad guys would all be threatening to destroy Gotham. A mere city. And we in the audience were supposed to understand that this was bad because that means a lot of people dying. Now, our nation is ruled by people who like to threaten to destroy entire countries, just for kicks. Whole countries.
No shit.
I think that dialed it in quite nicely.
Couple of things
Hi there! You might be wondering what's happening at the Casa Aloha, what with all the brew-ha-ha about the fires and whatnot. Well, here's the view from the dude from the street. Everything's on fire! Yes, the streets are on fire, the dirt is on fire, the buildings are on fire, the ocean is on fire, and the sky is on fire. As you might imagine, that means everything in contact with those things...is on fire! Ooop, there go the sidewalks, and my dumpster! Awww, dang. I liked that dumpster.
Apart from that, it's also hot as fjuck, and at least 85-90 degreez right now (at near 6:10) which must have made it awful for firefighters, but pretty dang miserable for anyone who had to breathe the smoke flavored air to live...I hear there's not much that's going to change in the weather, and, well, there's like 18 separate fires being fought right now, and the Governator has called up 1800 National Guardsmen to help. (Sorry boys, but 1800 guardsmen ain't gonna do nothin' against this inferno (didn't I mention THE SKY IS ON FIRE!!!), 18,000 - maybe. I'm reasonably happy the rest of our boys is keepin me safe from terrorists in the Iraqi-lands, cuz, I been worried about that for 5 years.)
Anyhoo - there's about 20 miles of city that has to burn before it gets to your favorite virtual resort, so I think we'll ride this one out just fine. Oh, and flights are still on schedule at LAX, so it might be a great time to take that fall vacation!
Apart from that, it's also hot as fjuck, and at least 85-90 degreez right now (at near 6:10) which must have made it awful for firefighters, but pretty dang miserable for anyone who had to breathe the smoke flavored air to live...I hear there's not much that's going to change in the weather, and, well, there's like 18 separate fires being fought right now, and the Governator has called up 1800 National Guardsmen to help. (Sorry boys, but 1800 guardsmen ain't gonna do nothin' against this inferno (didn't I mention THE SKY IS ON FIRE!!!), 18,000 - maybe. I'm reasonably happy the rest of our boys is keepin me safe from terrorists in the Iraqi-lands, cuz, I been worried about that for 5 years.)
Anyhoo - there's about 20 miles of city that has to burn before it gets to your favorite virtual resort, so I think we'll ride this one out just fine. Oh, and flights are still on schedule at LAX, so it might be a great time to take that fall vacation!
Friday, October 19, 2007
If the week was a scorpion, Friday would be its stinging tail.
"I walked past a supermarket today." Friday spoke. He was standing in a toga, and held a very large goblet of wine in his left hand, that he sloshed around as he began his tale. The other weekdays were scattered about in various stages of repose on what appeared to be a Grecian hillside. They also wore togas. "The double automatic doors for some reason remained open for longer than normal, and that's when I saw the wasp (or hornet, yellowjacket, or whatever flying insect it was) which was inquisitive about the cool air, or perhaps the smells of the groceries held within the store, and it flew in about a foot, then back to the threshold, then back in, then back out."
"Wasps built a nest in the wheel well of my car once," Tuesday said, "It was a very unpleasant scene whenever I needed to go somewhere."
"Quiet you!" Said Thursday, "There's more...I'm sure."
Friday took a moment to finish a large gulp from the goblet, and continued. "Indeed there is, for as I walked on, I didn't see the conclusion of the drama that was playing out before me. Would the wasp be on the inside when the doors closed? Since if this happened, it the chances of it ever seeing the outside again would be very very small. But if it were shut out of the place, would it linger about, still trying to investigate the contents of the store?"
"A common enough quandary." Monday said, "Will your curiosity lead you into a realm of satisfaction and fulfillment, or will it trap you in a prison which will become your tomb!"
"Exactly." Friday said with authority, then he had another drink. "But this example of literally the luck of this poor bug, versus the chance function or malfunction of an automatic door which would determine his fate, made me think of another comparison."
"How much longer..." Wednesday said, propping his hunchback up against a large stone, "is this lecture going to last?"
"Not much..." replied Friday, "We're almost out of wine." And immediately after speaking those words he emptied the rest of his goblet, and walked over to a wineskin, and drained the rest of it into the vessel. "You see I was wondering about finding meaning. And I thought to myself, it's fine if you want to find meaning in things. Hell you can superimpose it on almost everything - a rabbits foot? Why not. Photographs, sure. In accomplishments one might have made - of course. However, trying to find meaning in everything, the unifying force of meaning between and in all things...well, that's different."
Tuesday spoke softly. "How is that different, exactly?"
"Well, if one might devote themselves to such a thing, is there any point in living in the material world? The experiences here are not transcendental. They may be life changing, or they might be boring as hell, and they might be repetitive to the point of madness, but they are real." He paused for a moment, had another sip of wine, and looked off to the hilltops above them where the sunset had made them a jagged black edge across a deep violet sky. "To search for meaning in everything is to find it nowhere, and to find meaning in one small thing, is to find it everywhere."
Friday sat down and drank the rest of his wine to the various grumbles of discontented weekdays. Finally Monday spoke up, louder than the rest.
"Hey, whatever...let's hit up the Parthenon, restock the wine, and race hovercraft!"
Happy Friday.
[just wanted to say I wanted to start with the line "if the week was a scorpion then Friday would be its stinging tail." And somehow get to the line "To search for meaning in everything is to find it nowhere, and to find meaning in one small thing, is to find it everywhere" Not sure how it played out, but it got there.
P.S., totally saw that wasp thing tho, it was kinda spooky once I thought about it. Kinda hope he got out ok, but that's not really our world, is it.]
"I walked past a supermarket today." Friday spoke. He was standing in a toga, and held a very large goblet of wine in his left hand, that he sloshed around as he began his tale. The other weekdays were scattered about in various stages of repose on what appeared to be a Grecian hillside. They also wore togas. "The double automatic doors for some reason remained open for longer than normal, and that's when I saw the wasp (or hornet, yellowjacket, or whatever flying insect it was) which was inquisitive about the cool air, or perhaps the smells of the groceries held within the store, and it flew in about a foot, then back to the threshold, then back in, then back out."
"Wasps built a nest in the wheel well of my car once," Tuesday said, "It was a very unpleasant scene whenever I needed to go somewhere."
"Quiet you!" Said Thursday, "There's more...I'm sure."
Friday took a moment to finish a large gulp from the goblet, and continued. "Indeed there is, for as I walked on, I didn't see the conclusion of the drama that was playing out before me. Would the wasp be on the inside when the doors closed? Since if this happened, it the chances of it ever seeing the outside again would be very very small. But if it were shut out of the place, would it linger about, still trying to investigate the contents of the store?"
"A common enough quandary." Monday said, "Will your curiosity lead you into a realm of satisfaction and fulfillment, or will it trap you in a prison which will become your tomb!"
"Exactly." Friday said with authority, then he had another drink. "But this example of literally the luck of this poor bug, versus the chance function or malfunction of an automatic door which would determine his fate, made me think of another comparison."
"How much longer..." Wednesday said, propping his hunchback up against a large stone, "is this lecture going to last?"
"Not much..." replied Friday, "We're almost out of wine." And immediately after speaking those words he emptied the rest of his goblet, and walked over to a wineskin, and drained the rest of it into the vessel. "You see I was wondering about finding meaning. And I thought to myself, it's fine if you want to find meaning in things. Hell you can superimpose it on almost everything - a rabbits foot? Why not. Photographs, sure. In accomplishments one might have made - of course. However, trying to find meaning in everything, the unifying force of meaning between and in all things...well, that's different."
Tuesday spoke softly. "How is that different, exactly?"
"Well, if one might devote themselves to such a thing, is there any point in living in the material world? The experiences here are not transcendental. They may be life changing, or they might be boring as hell, and they might be repetitive to the point of madness, but they are real." He paused for a moment, had another sip of wine, and looked off to the hilltops above them where the sunset had made them a jagged black edge across a deep violet sky. "To search for meaning in everything is to find it nowhere, and to find meaning in one small thing, is to find it everywhere."
Friday sat down and drank the rest of his wine to the various grumbles of discontented weekdays. Finally Monday spoke up, louder than the rest.
"Hey, whatever...let's hit up the Parthenon, restock the wine, and race hovercraft!"
Happy Friday.
[just wanted to say I wanted to start with the line "if the week was a scorpion then Friday would be its stinging tail." And somehow get to the line "To search for meaning in everything is to find it nowhere, and to find meaning in one small thing, is to find it everywhere" Not sure how it played out, but it got there.
P.S., totally saw that wasp thing tho, it was kinda spooky once I thought about it. Kinda hope he got out ok, but that's not really our world, is it.]
Once again...this time with feeling!
I found this in the cellar of my emailbox. I don't know which book it's from, who the author is, or what blog I sniped the excerpt from, but it's sheer written genius.
"It is sad," observed Grassfog, "that our friend here is dead, and we
have no wine."
"It is your custom," inquired Piro, "to become drunk when a friend
"Not in the least," said Grassfog. "I was merely making an observation
about two conditions that are both true, and both regrettable."
"It is sad," observed Grassfog, "that our friend here is dead, and we
have no wine."
"It is your custom," inquired Piro, "to become drunk when a friend
"Not in the least," said Grassfog. "I was merely making an observation
about two conditions that are both true, and both regrettable."
Monday, October 15, 2007
How you doin?
Well, I hope it's as nice a place as the Casa Aloha, where the water tastes like wine. Of course, we don't drink much water here, but that's beside the point. The point is, there's been a major shift over at the resort, and I gotta tells ya, it's crazy nice to actually have good njews appear in spades. It's sooo nice, in fact, we might just be installing a revolving restaurant for your added pleasure. I don't know if it will be enough, but at least it's something.
There may be more, but yaknow, there might not. Either way, I'm positive you'll be fine.
And with that completely ambiguous crapola...here's some pop to make yas feel nice.
I wanted to find this, but the video was kinda crappy.
But instead I stumbled on this and decided it was too cool to not post.
Man, I'd hate to think that Garden State might have sullied the rep of that Frou Frou record, cause' it's pretty damn bueno. Ohh, and then there's this! A really solid record, if you might like that kinda' thing.
I guess there's not much left to do from there, but to go here.
And from there, the only logical segway leads us right here.
Happy Monday
There may be more, but yaknow, there might not. Either way, I'm positive you'll be fine.
And with that completely ambiguous crapola...here's some pop to make yas feel nice.
I wanted to find this, but the video was kinda crappy.
But instead I stumbled on this and decided it was too cool to not post.
Man, I'd hate to think that Garden State might have sullied the rep of that Frou Frou record, cause' it's pretty damn bueno. Ohh, and then there's this! A really solid record, if you might like that kinda' thing.
I guess there's not much left to do from there, but to go here.
And from there, the only logical segway leads us right here.
Happy Monday
P.S. - I updated this post, just cause it really turned out to be cooler this way.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Two posts down...

Altho, it appears I gots the weaponry wrong.
Please make your adjustments quickly - Fer Fjuck's sake...
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
There's a certain something in the air tonite. Actually, it's been in the air for a few days, and while I haven't been ignoring it, It's been there. Almost like...things are coming to a head, like confrontation is about to be what you should expect walking out your door every day. I'm not sure if I'm right (altho it's true we've seen me be wrong before...you know I hold my cards pretty close to the vest within the realms of Fjord.)
While this is a feeling, and nothing tangible, if you're one of the few people living in the U.S. that doesn't own a firearm, I'd recommend the outlay of unworthy U.S. dollars into one of these. Something solid, time-tested, and dependable might be the only thing you can rely on...if you're catching my very post-modern drift.
(The...I just found off a Holy Google Search: Buddhist Blog says this) "It has been reported that an Emergency Committee, chaired a senior general has been established to "forment trouble" in protest marches led by monks in various parts of the country.
The plan includes ordering soldiers and policemen to take off their uniforms, shave their heads and dress like monks, infiltrate the peace marches and forment trouble to break them up. The move is to pre-empt condemnation by the international community, which would be the case if the army moves in to forcibly attack the monks."
Yeah...if you can catch where I'm coming from, this sums it up rather nicely. If you can't, then clearly I'm just sayin', I wish those monks in Myanmar had some proven baseball bats.
While this is a feeling, and nothing tangible, if you're one of the few people living in the U.S. that doesn't own a firearm, I'd recommend the outlay of unworthy U.S. dollars into one of these. Something solid, time-tested, and dependable might be the only thing you can rely on...if you're catching my very post-modern drift.
(The...I just found off a Holy Google Search: Buddhist Blog says this) "It has been reported that an Emergency Committee, chaired a senior general has been established to "forment trouble" in protest marches led by monks in various parts of the country.
The plan includes ordering soldiers and policemen to take off their uniforms, shave their heads and dress like monks, infiltrate the peace marches and forment trouble to break them up. The move is to pre-empt condemnation by the international community, which would be the case if the army moves in to forcibly attack the monks."
Yeah...if you can catch where I'm coming from, this sums it up rather nicely. If you can't, then clearly I'm just sayin', I wish those monks in Myanmar had some proven baseball bats.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Where I'm at.
I'm at first and goal from the 9 with a power fullback on my roster. Where you at?
I'm at first and goal from the 9 with a power fullback on my roster. Where you at?
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Seriously, I don't know why I'm the guy who has to keep flogging this.
I don't know how long this link is gonna hang in there. So I'm gonna paste it...
"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad invited President Bush to speak at an Iranian university if the American leader ever traveled to the Islamic Republic, state-run television reported Friday.
Ahmadinejad caused an uproar during his visit to New York this week when he spoke at Columbia University. He faced tough questioning and the university's president introduced him by saying Ahmadinejad exhibited "all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator."
"If their president plans to travel to Iran, we will allow him to make a speech" at a university, Ahmadinejad told state TV earlier this week before leaving New York to travel to South America. He was in New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly."
I can't (after five google searches...I suppose that's a can't, I do this for free yaknow.) find the official White House response. But I saw it on the internets a day or so ago, and it read something like this.
"We are not taking such an invitation seriously"
Well, here's another invitation he didn't take seriously.
Seriously, how bout a speech, Mr. President?
"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad invited President Bush to speak at an Iranian university if the American leader ever traveled to the Islamic Republic, state-run television reported Friday.
Ahmadinejad caused an uproar during his visit to New York this week when he spoke at Columbia University. He faced tough questioning and the university's president introduced him by saying Ahmadinejad exhibited "all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator."
"If their president plans to travel to Iran, we will allow him to make a speech" at a university, Ahmadinejad told state TV earlier this week before leaving New York to travel to South America. He was in New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly."
I can't (after five google searches...I suppose that's a can't, I do this for free yaknow.) find the official White House response. But I saw it on the internets a day or so ago, and it read something like this.
"We are not taking such an invitation seriously"
Well, here's another invitation he didn't take seriously.
Seriously, how bout a speech, Mr. President?
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I probably haven't mentioned my love of curses. The Stephen King movie "Thinner" is a good use of such a device, just for an example. In my daily wanderings I decided that to be a very potent curse, it must be something small enough to (at first) barely get under your (or better yet, your victim's) skin. Something they can laugh off, at first.
But then over time, it would grow more and more maddening, until it either drove you (or better yet, your victim) over the brink into madness. It was about this time I walked down a sidewalk that for a few weeks, had a small cloud of flies hovering over a particular section of it. By small I mean, 15 or 20 bugs in total, and all sort of hovering around in that way that flies do, not even a tangible "thing" as they'd part for any humanid walking through them. And that's where I got my idea for my curse.
Flies, would be what I'd call it, and it would be a small cloud of 20 flies buzzing around the victim's head. It obeys my one simple curse rule, to be small enough at first to be laughable.
However, it's potency would soon become apparent. Eating in restaurants is out. Eating at home is disgusting. Girlfriends are out. Keeping a job is out. Parties are out. Sleeping would be awful, not to mention waking up. How can you possibly be stoic enough to overcome the crazy-weird looks you'd get from everyone everywhere with a swarm of flies buzzing around your head. Not to mention the incessant sound of fly-wings in your ears that would slowly replace the sounds of humanity, as all the people you knew started to drift away, either from sheer pettiness, ("You hang around that dude with FLIES!?!") or from sheer disgust. ("Well, we had wine on the patio since I thought it'd be okay with his flies outside. But right as I had a sip from my glass, a fly dropped in the wine, and Oh My God I drank it! Never again I tells ya...never again.)
So that's my idea for a curse. Hope you liked it.
But then over time, it would grow more and more maddening, until it either drove you (or better yet, your victim) over the brink into madness. It was about this time I walked down a sidewalk that for a few weeks, had a small cloud of flies hovering over a particular section of it. By small I mean, 15 or 20 bugs in total, and all sort of hovering around in that way that flies do, not even a tangible "thing" as they'd part for any humanid walking through them. And that's where I got my idea for my curse.
Flies, would be what I'd call it, and it would be a small cloud of 20 flies buzzing around the victim's head. It obeys my one simple curse rule, to be small enough at first to be laughable.
However, it's potency would soon become apparent. Eating in restaurants is out. Eating at home is disgusting. Girlfriends are out. Keeping a job is out. Parties are out. Sleeping would be awful, not to mention waking up. How can you possibly be stoic enough to overcome the crazy-weird looks you'd get from everyone everywhere with a swarm of flies buzzing around your head. Not to mention the incessant sound of fly-wings in your ears that would slowly replace the sounds of humanity, as all the people you knew started to drift away, either from sheer pettiness, ("You hang around that dude with FLIES!?!") or from sheer disgust. ("Well, we had wine on the patio since I thought it'd be okay with his flies outside. But right as I had a sip from my glass, a fly dropped in the wine, and Oh My God I drank it! Never again I tells ya...never again.)
So that's my idea for a curse. Hope you liked it.
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