Friday, October 20, 2006

There's no doubt...

I've tried (lazily, no doubt) to tell you to read Pop - over at Pop's Bucket. It seems like more than a few times, we're on the same page. Just three days after that crocodile guy gots killed by a ray, I was told a crazy story from my diver friend (back from the Gulf Coast - reconstructing messed up underwater pipelines from Katrina) about one of his co-workers who was killed by a MANTA RAY... It was a long and drawn out tale, but basically this dude had just done his job, and was decompressing hundreds of feet under the surface, when a manta got tangled up in his oxygen line (from the boat far above...fixed to his helmet) - and the beast dragged him straight to the surface...whereupon the rapid change in pressure blew out too many regulating systems (I'm no expert at human/underwater physiology so I can't tell you exactly the cause of death) but it killed him - as sure as a stinger to the heart. So, back to the idea of me and Pops being on the same page...he's talking about an underwater army of stingray bent on killing us - and I couldn't agree more. I blame Bush, since he's clearly broken a number of international treaties (ABM, Geneva...err that thing...Habeus Corpus...(do you know how the Swiss have fjucked up everjything? (maybe not that Geneva deal-i-o, but I'm a blogger so I'm just sayin') Versallies, Potsdam...sorry it's pretty obvious after the first two I'm just making stuff up) Irregardless - something has happened. Where the Human/Ray/Skate non-aggression pact , which has been intact for eons, has now been broken. Clearly we are not equipped as a species, to deal with this threat. I'm only wondering when the first deadly skate attack is going to occur, and what the government is going to do about it. These species are obviously more effective than the terrorists...which might mean they even have some sort of creepy alliance. Now, knowing what I know about alliances/non-aggression pacts/political wheelings and dealings from the past...I have to say, it's kinda' obvious - when a friend becomes an enemy, then the enemy of my friend becomes my friend. And I don't like where this is going. I really don't.


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