Your correspondent over at the West Coast Branch has been a little burned out as of late. I've been working like mad on the last draft of a script, been dealing with a mess of chaos down at the Fjord Corporate H.Q., and trying to keep the Casa Aloha Resort running at it's normal high level of efficiency. (and trying to have some sort of life watching sports, maintaining my skills at videogames, and occasionally stepping out on the town.)
It's not been easy.
At least the draft thing is done for now.
So, as a suitable reward, I'm going on vacation. I'll be in the great state of Oregon for the next few days (you might get a farewell post tomorrow if nothing loopy happens). Hopefully upon my return, there'll be a rejuvenate D.Tsunami, who can entertain you with his blogging prowess. (cause right now I'm just not that guy.)

<- Where the magic happens...(click to enlarge!)
Sometime in the next few/slightly more than few hours, we (your good pals at Fjord) are going to break the 10,000 unique visitors mark. I hope it's you.
Sounds like you can use a break. Have a great coupla days outta town, DT.
Oregon is a place for vacations????
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