Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Shaken, not stirred.

The guy in the back shouts. "Yeah man, stirring sucks!"

So I think it's a Spring thing...in fact, I'm positive it's a Spring 2006 thing. Like being a little bubble in an orange soda 2-liter being shaken, alot. I'm not just smelling change, I'm watching the world get ripped apart around me, and I'm standing like a confused bystander on a reasonably firm piece of ground. A simple step off, and I'd be swimming the doggie paddle in a chaos vortex too - which may, or may not be a bad thing.

Like, you're on the train, there's a crazy nutjob on it, who's rambling on and on about some minor detail of life that you'd be more than happy to overlook (maybe oooh, lets say, cat shit) - except he keeps shouting about it. So at the next stop, you duck out of the car, and jump on the next one. Will it be the orgy-car, leaving you wondering (before the first grope of soft, hot flesh) "what took me so long to leave the car with the crazy nutjob?" Or will it be a car full of axe wielding maniacs that leaves you wondering (before a metal wedge to the forehead stops your wondering once in for all) "Why did I leave the last car? All it had was an annoying crazy nutjob talking about cat shit!"

There are two schools of thought on this quandary.
1) When in doubt - do nothing.
2) When in doubt - do something.

Life's probably too complex to sum up in either of these schools of thought, but I'd sure pay someone to make that orgy-car thing work out for me.



rhinoceros said...

good topic, doubt.

Puts humans at the mercy of chance.

Makes sports fun to watch.

And relationships a nightmare.

Ahhh, doubt [warm fuzzy feeling]

D.T. said...

I'm just looking for the orgy car.