For a bit, the West Coast Branch of Fjord will be stepping down from it's perch on the cutting edge of the innernets, and finding a nice hammock somewhere.
I can't say eggsactly how long a vacation this will be, but I do know that by the time I get back, the boys down at the lab (with the help of Mr Cheeckpacker) will have perfected the hamster-cannon...and that, my friendly fjordlings, will be something to see.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
As a follow up to the last post
I now command this guy,

I know it doesn't look like much, but an unstoppable army doesn't just pop up at the door of your Command has to be built - then forged in the heat of battle where fear gives way to bloodlust, and killing becomes as natural as breathing and...hey! Where the hell did my snadwich artists go? Little pansies - go ahead an run! Mister Cheekpacker and I can do the job without your cowardly - hey - what's this? Well, at least they left me something.
and these two snadwich-artists.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Sorry it's been a bit...
In one sense I've been very another sense, I've been very lazy. I'm sure you know that those two are often the polar opposite of each other, but in some cases they can (and do) co-exist. I wanted to letcha know about this really cool National Geographic piece about the universe a couple of days ago - but something was wonky with my browser (or blogger) and I couldn't cut-n-paste or make with the linky, wasn't like I was trying. Today, I couldn't even find the story on their site (well played NatGeo). Fortunately, I was able to find this which'll give ya the deets. But here's the gyst...
(did you here me?)
(Call me paranoid, but I'm under the belief that we're going to need all the matter we can get our grubby little humanid mitts on before this thing is over. I for one will be happy to declare war on these "structures" outside our Universe in response to this aggression. Stealing matter is no...err, laughing matter when it belongs to you, and your universe. That's not the America I know. Hell, that's not even the Solar System I know! (Saturnites...I know we've had our differences, (like us always makin' fun of your giant gas sacks...that allow you to flourish -floating in your planet's craaazy atmosphere...hehe gas sacks) but we've always respected your planet's kick-ass rings. Besides we share the same sun, and the same Universe and we all want to keep that, right? So let's put away our differences about who made fun of what gas sack and go destroy these things sucking away our Universe!!!)
Anyhoo - I think at this time it's worth a quote from Bush the Elder...(and The Dude)
"This aggression will not stand!"
(did you here me?)
(Call me paranoid, but I'm under the belief that we're going to need all the matter we can get our grubby little humanid mitts on before this thing is over. I for one will be happy to declare war on these "structures" outside our Universe in response to this aggression. Stealing matter is no...err, laughing matter when it belongs to you, and your universe. That's not the America I know. Hell, that's not even the Solar System I know! (Saturnites...I know we've had our differences, (like us always makin' fun of your giant gas sacks...that allow you to flourish -floating in your planet's craaazy atmosphere...hehe gas sacks) but we've always respected your planet's kick-ass rings. Besides we share the same sun, and the same Universe and we all want to keep that, right? So let's put away our differences about who made fun of what gas sack and go destroy these things sucking away our Universe!!!)
Anyhoo - I think at this time it's worth a quote from Bush the Elder...(and The Dude)
"This aggression will not stand!"
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
America Is Fucking Rad (again)

In March, I wrote this, and I added a little WWI flava to the thing from a quote from a diary of a British nurse that ended with this.
Then I heard an excited exclamation from a group of Sisters behind me, "Look! Look! Here are the Americans!"
I pressed forward with the others to watch the United States physically entering the War, so god-like, so magnificent, so splendidly unimpaired in comparison with the tired, nerve-wracked men of the British Army. So these were our deliverers at last, marching up the road to Camiers in the spring sunshine! ... The coming of relief made me realize all at once how long and how intolerable had been the tension, and with the knowledge that we were not, after all, defeated, I found myself beginning to cry.
Now, I think it's pretty obvious (for those of you who read this-here-webzine...if not - take my word for it) that I'm not a whacko nationalist, and in fact I believe that hubris is real, and the more powerful you are, the more careful you should be. These thoughts have clearly not been followed by my elected Representatives.
But anyhoo, I was chattin' with my pal Craig (myspace music page linky there) about the election, and we reached the conclusion that - not only was the USA totally schizophrenic having subjected the world to 8 yars of Bush, and then votin' in Obama (like how is anyone in any other country supposed to understand what we've really been up to all this time...I don't have a clue and I live here!) - but the last act proves that undeniably America is once again, Fucking Rad.
The last time we here in the US of A were really fuckin' rad was when we put a man on the moon. That was pretty damn rad. Since then it's been a slow spiral downwards into total un-rad-ness. But with this Obama thingiemabob - (a Frenchman told Craig on election eve, "He's the first black man (I know, he's half-white - it's the statement that counts) to be elected as a national leader in the history of Western civilization"
So, in scanning the internets today, there was such a crazy outpouring of support, joy, amazement and outright blown-minds from international news sources that it looks like we did it again...not just astound and inspire, but perhaps a return to the level of Space-Age-Rad.
I think it's obvious that this correspondent has been waiting for more than a while for the 21st century to actually show the fjuck up! It's almost as if the 1900's threw out a last desperation hand in 2000 to stop us from getting anywhere - but gjoddang it, the guy to break the ankle-lock, (the shackles, if you will) of the last century and take us into the future is...a black dude named Obama?
That's Space-Age-Rad.
America, fuck yeah.
Eh, why not...
Then I heard an excited exclamation from a group of Sisters behind me, "Look! Look! Here are the Americans!"
I pressed forward with the others to watch the United States physically entering the War, so god-like, so magnificent, so splendidly unimpaired in comparison with the tired, nerve-wracked men of the British Army. So these were our deliverers at last, marching up the road to Camiers in the spring sunshine! ... The coming of relief made me realize all at once how long and how intolerable had been the tension, and with the knowledge that we were not, after all, defeated, I found myself beginning to cry.
Now, I think it's pretty obvious (for those of you who read this-here-webzine...if not - take my word for it) that I'm not a whacko nationalist, and in fact I believe that hubris is real, and the more powerful you are, the more careful you should be. These thoughts have clearly not been followed by my elected Representatives.
But anyhoo, I was chattin' with my pal Craig (myspace music page linky there) about the election, and we reached the conclusion that - not only was the USA totally schizophrenic having subjected the world to 8 yars of Bush, and then votin' in Obama (like how is anyone in any other country supposed to understand what we've really been up to all this time...I don't have a clue and I live here!) - but the last act proves that undeniably America is once again, Fucking Rad.
The last time we here in the US of A were really fuckin' rad was when we put a man on the moon. That was pretty damn rad. Since then it's been a slow spiral downwards into total un-rad-ness. But with this Obama thingiemabob - (a Frenchman told Craig on election eve, "He's the first black man (I know, he's half-white - it's the statement that counts) to be elected as a national leader in the history of Western civilization"
So, in scanning the internets today, there was such a crazy outpouring of support, joy, amazement and outright blown-minds from international news sources that it looks like we did it again...not just astound and inspire, but perhaps a return to the level of Space-Age-Rad.
I think it's obvious that this correspondent has been waiting for more than a while for the 21st century to actually show the fjuck up! It's almost as if the 1900's threw out a last desperation hand in 2000 to stop us from getting anywhere - but gjoddang it, the guy to break the ankle-lock, (the shackles, if you will) of the last century and take us into the future is...a black dude named Obama?
That's Space-Age-Rad.
America, fuck yeah.
Eh, why not...
IT's a great day for America everybody!
Been waiting a while to say that, but it really is.
Just saw this over at Warren Ellis' joint.
"I’m delighted. Nice work, America. You got your country back.
And just imagine: now, when you travel to Europe, you won’t have to tell people you’re from Canada."
Just saw this over at Warren Ellis' joint.
"I’m delighted. Nice work, America. You got your country back.
And just imagine: now, when you travel to Europe, you won’t have to tell people you’re from Canada."
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